Decades of Experience
We are experienced attorneys that can provide you with valuable guidance and support for creating a comprehensive plan that fits your needs.
Responsive & Proactive
We are dedicated to providing timely and effective legal solutions for our clients, anticipating potential issues and proactively addressing them to ensure the best outcome.
We provide efficient legal services by streamlining processes, automating tasks and providing secure access to case information.
Louisiana Medicaid Lawyer
Assistance for Navigating Medicaid Legal Matters in Louisiana
People are living longer. The baby boomers are senior citizens now. As a result, there is an increasing need for long-term care services, home care, assisted living, nursing homes, and hospice for the elderly and infirm. The cost of these services continues to increase. The average annual nursing home bill is over $100,000. That eats up investments and savings at an alarming rate. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to preserve assets and income with planning and a qualified elder law attorney who is experienced in Medicaid planning for long term care. Gary Brown is such a lawyer.

Medicaid Benefits for Long-Term Care
In a time when the senior population is growing exponentially, understanding how to navigate the world of long-term care Medicaid benefits is invaluable. The Medicaid system is one of the most complex benefit programs ever created. Mistakes are costly. Seniors and their family members who face issues related to Medicaid spenddown are often ill-prepared as they are forced to deal with these concerns during difficult times in their lives. There is a huge need and yearning for quality, knowledgeable advisors who understand the complexities of Medicaid planning and can help guide you through the process. Certified Medical Planners, like Gary Brown, are recognized as the leaders in the profession and stand out above other advisors in the field.
Financing Long-Term Care
While a lucky few can pay for long term care out of their own pockets, the vast majority of Americans are not fully prepared to do so, nor can they afford the full brunt of such high expenses. As the need for long-term care increased, insurance companies began offering policies and plans to help defray the cost of nursing care services. For many elders, long-term care insurance is either too expensive, or they simply do not qualify for insurance due to pre-existing and potentially debilitating conditions.
If you are here at this website, it is likely you are not one of the lucky few who have insurance or sufficient wealth to pay for nursing home care for the rest of your life. You are a part of the vast majority of Americans who find themselves struggling to find the means to pay for long-term care. At The Louisiana Medicaid Law Firm, we are here to help with these issues.

Approximately 70% of 65-year olds will require long-term assistance and care at some point in their lifetimes.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Some of the Medicaid Services We
Provide for Our Louisiana Clients
Medicaid Planning for Nursing Home Care
Most people think of Medicaid as the health insurance program for the poor (which it is). However, it is less understood that Medicaid has an entirely separate program that provides medical assistance and room and board for long-term nursing care, which is not a poverty program.
Vigorous Negotiators & Compassionate Counselors
The practical reality is that everyone who enters a nursing home who is not super-rich or who does not have unlimited insurance will enter the Medicaid program at some point.
Everyone who uses their own assets for nursing home care is required to spend down their resources until they qualify for assistance, with the amount of the spenddown being vastly different depending on the nature of their assets and their marital status. This is where Medicaid Planning becomes invaluable. A Medicaid Planner, like Gary Brown, can preserve assets for the Medicaid recipient while at the same time assisting him or her with quickly qualifying for Medicaid benefits for long-term care.
What Does a Medicaid Planner Do?
The role of the qualified Medicaid Planner is one of architect, builder, financial planner, and tour guide—guiding an applicant through the difficult maze of eligibility rules and government bureaucracy. Once the facts of the situation are gathered, the Medicaid Planner will design a plan that reconstructs the nature and position of the client’s assets and income stream to be in full compliance with the Medicaid rules while simultaneously taking maximum advantage of those rules to protect as may assets as possible. This can often save the client tens and often hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Public policy and the law encourage the protection of certain assets and financial transactions. The transactions lawfully allow the shielding of various assets and income streams from being factored into the patient’s requirement to pay. When qualifying transactions are performed or assets are repositioned, this causes a percentage of the cost burden to lawfully shift from the patient to the government. The government’s own rules and policies sanction and encourage this activity. However, you must know the program and the complicated rules to take advantage of this option, which is where a Medicaid Planner leads invaluable assistance.
How Our Firm Can Help
with Medicaid Planning
Gary Brown takes Medicaid Planning to the highest level, and he is a Certified Medical Planner or CMP. A CMP is a Board-certified professional who has completed a rigorous application and qualification process, which means he has met the rigorous CMP standards for experience, education, and testing.
Gary is the founder of Brown Weimer, LLC, a Louisiana Medicaid planning law firm that has been practicing law over 40 years, assisting clients with a variety of legal matters. He is now primarily engaged in Medicaid Planning. Gary has been named a Super Lawyer for the past for years, has the highest AVVO rating of 10.0, and has received numerous other awards. He will apply his knowledge and skill to assist you in this difficult time. Contact our firm now to schedule a consultation to discuss your long-term care financing needs.
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